Update on EU funding applications

It has come to our attention that there is some confusion surrounding recent EU grant applications made by the Council. We hope the following is useful for anyone who is interested in the progress our latest applications.

At the meeting of Full Council on the 22 September 2015, the Council of the Isles of Scilly agreed to apply for 2 separate European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) projects. This agreement is a requirement under the council’s financial regulations.

The first ERDF funded project is to provide grants to businesses on the Islands ranging from £1,000 to £100,000. The grants cover activities such as the following:

  • The costs of construction, acquisition (including leasing) or improvement to immovable property
  • The purchase or lease purchase of new machinery and equipment
  • General costs linked to facilitating investments such as hiring an architect or engineer, consultation fees and technical support limited to a maximum of 15% of the total eligible project costs
  • Intangible investments, including the acquisition or development of computer software
  • Acquisition of patents, licences, copyrights and trademarks
  • Energy-saving and resource efficiency equipment where it forms part of the voucher rather than a standalone activity better funded elsewhere

If successful, the Council will manage the scheme but the engagement role will sit with the Islands Business Partnership, so that there is a clear separation between compliance and support.

If successful the scheme will be launched in the New Year.

The Second project is for a Technical Assistance Team funded from the ERDF to support applicants on the islands or for projects which benefit the islands to access the main programme of ERDF funding. The projects for the main programme have to be over £500,000 and deliver programme outputs.

This project will support successful applicants in the areas of energy efficiency in social housing, energy infrastructure, renewable energy, electric vehicle charging, research and development, flood defences and climate change adaptation. The Council is already supporting other applications into the programme from a number of partners; however, this project would give us the specialist resource to offer more support. This bid mirrors a similar bid from Cornwall Council to support applicants in Cornwall.

If successful the Technical Assistance project will start in the New Year.

Publishing date: 
Thursday, 1 October, 2015