ARCHIVE Preparation of the Local Plan (2015-2030)


At Full Council on 25th March 2021 (agenda item 9) Members approved the adoption of the Local Plan (2015-2030). The new Local Plan (2015-2030) officially revokes the 2005 Local Plan, including all of its policies and allocations.  All existing Supplementary Planning Documents remain in place and will be updated to reflect the new Local Plan.  The New Local Plan (2015-2030) will be uploaded shortly.

Next Steps

The Planning Department will be producing a Final Design Proof of the Local Plan, containing the Policy Maps, which will be available to download. Physical copies will be available to review on request and copies will be made available in the Library on St Mary's and in the off-island Community Halls. An interim version of the new Local Plan is available to download from the links here, together with our adoption statement and final Sustainability Appraisal.

Progress to Adopt a New Local Plan

On the 30th September 2019 the Council submitted a new Local Plan to the Secretary of State for which an independent Planning Inspector has been appointed to consider and assess.  In January 2020 the Inspector carried out his Examination in Public of the Local Plan and has made a number of modifications that were subject to Public Consultation. 

Following a six week consultation period (25th September 2020 - 6th November 2020)  on a number of modifications, the Council has, as of the 23rd February 2021, received the Inspectors Final Report on the new Isles of Scilly Local Plan. The Report sets sets out Inspector Malcolm Rivetts' conclusions on the Isles of Scilly Local Plan (2015-2030) which has signalled the way for the Council to replace the 2005 Local Plan and adopt the new Local Plan as the Devleopment Plan for the Isles of Scilly up to 2030.

Inspectors Report (PDF 3.94kb)

Please follow the links below if you are looking for any of the earlier consultation versions of the local plan:

Main Modifications Public Consultation on the Submission Draft Isles of Scilly Local Plan 2015-2030 following the Examination in Public. This consultation is now closed.

Final Stage of Public Consultation on the Submission Draft Isles of Scilly Local Plan 2015-2030 ahead of Submission to the Secretary of State. This consultation is now closed.

Pre-Submission Draft Isles of Scilly Local Plan 2015-2030 (Feb-April 2019), This consultation is now closed. You can also navigate to this page through the links on the left side of this page. 

Regulation 18 Public Consultation (March - May 2018) of the Draft Local Plan 2015-2030 please navigate through the links on the left of this page or click here

In June 2015 the Planning Department commenced a review of the Isles of Scilly Local Plan. Prior to 2015 work did take place on a review of the adopted Local Plan 2005.  From 2010 the Council had been working towards a Core Strategy and Local Development Framework, when Government changes in legislation reverted this process back to Local Plans. The Core Strategy work has now been used to feed into and inform the Local Plan Review and Draft Local Plan. The new Local Plan is intended to plan strategically for the period 2015 - 2030.

The current Local Plan covering the Isles of Scilly was adopted in 2005.  You can view this together with its accompanying Supplementary Planning Documents on our Current Local Plan (2005) pages (link on the left). 

How Can I Get Involved? Statement of Community Involvement

Temporary changes to the SCI as a result of Covid-19

Planning Practice Guidance (PPG) was updated in May 2020 in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and recommended that council’s review their SCI and update it in light of the government’s guidelines for helping prevent the spread of the disease[1]. As a result, the council is making some temporary amendments to the requirements set out in the adopted SCI. These are to protect the health of our communities and staff, while still ensuring that the council can continue to successfully conduct its planning functions in a manner which is underpinned by extensive and effective community engagement.

All future consultation on the Local Plan will follow the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which was adopted by the Council in September 2015 (and updated in February 2018) following a round of public consultation.  The SCI can be viewed in the link on the right. This statement sets out the methods by which we engage with the community and our statutory consultees.  

When Can I Get Involved? Local Plan Timetable (Local Development Scheme)

You can find out about the planned progress of the Local Plan Review in the Key Stages Timetable link to the right of this page. This is also known as the Local Development Scheme (LDS). The latest revised timetable was approved at Full Council on the 18th June 2019 and is known as LDS8.  This superseded LDS7 which was adopted in December 2018 and will be updated as necessary to reflect any changes to this process.  If you would like to be kept informed about local plan and be consulted directly then you can be added to our Local Plan Consultation Database by completing the Registration Form to the right of this page.

Stages of Public Consultation

The past and future stages of the Local Plan process can be found in the links to the left of this page, through the file path at the top of this page.  We have also linked each stage below.

Current Events

  • None

Past Events (Closed)

What has Informed the Local Plan?

A range of documents, reports and assesments produced by the Council as well as external organisations, including monitoring of the last local plan, have been used to understand the future development needs of the islands.  These have been set out as the Strategic Reports which are linked in the Evidence Base Library.  The Examination Library contains the core evidence base, that is evidence on which the draft plan was development.  This page also contains the evidence that is specifically referenced in the plan, these are referred to as the secondary evidence base documents.  

Strategic Environmental Assessment including Sustainability Appraisal and Habitat Regulations Assessment

Running in parallel to the local plan process is the required Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Sustainability Appraisal (SA). The Local Planning Authority have appointed Enfusion: Sustainability Environmental Planning Consultants to carry out the SEA/SA including the Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) of the Local Plan process. As each stage of the Local Plan progresses it will be subject to and informed by the SEA/SA/HRA. These documents will form part of the consultation at each stage.

Want to be on our Consultation Database?

If you’d like to be included on the Local Planning Authority's consultation database, please complete and return the attached registration form on the left of this page. Once registered, you will be notified when a relevant document is open to public consultation and invited to engage in the process.