Committee summary: Finance, Audit & Scrutiny, 1 December 2015

Did you miss the latest Finance, Audit and Scrutiny Committee meeting? Here are the key points from the meeting held on 1 December 2015.

  • Councillors have decided to decommission the Wesleyan Chapel as a wedding venue from 31 December 2016.
  • Also on the topic of weddings, amended fees and charges for the registration department were agreed at the meeting.
  • The Council has ratified a debt collection policy amid concerns over the growing levels of personal debt. Councillors are urging people with unmanageable levels of personal debt to seek advice from agencies such as the Citizens Advice Bureau.
  • Councillors have requested more training in risk management and more input into corporate risk registers. These are vital documents which outline the level of risk deemed acceptable to the Authority.
  • It was noted that 75% of the recommendations from phase one (October 2014) and phase two (February 2015) of the Internal Audit inspections have been either fully or partially implemented. In all 54 recommendations were made to the Authority during those inspections. 

You can watch the meeting here (duration: 49m) and read the agenda and reports here.

Publishing date: 
Thursday, 3 December, 2015