Charitable trusts

The Council appoints trustees to two independent local charities:

•    the Isles of Scilly Charitable Trust comprising the Edward McDonald Fund and the Pilots Widows Fund (registered charity number 207551); and 
•    the Richard Addison Charitable Trust (registered charity number 1014632).

The Council also makes a member of staff available to act as clerk to both charities.

Isles of Scilly Charitable Trust
The Isles of Scilly Charitable Trust (IOSCT) was formed in July 2022 by the merger of the Edward McDonald Trust and the Pilots Widows Fund. The Edward McDonald Trust was established in the late 1940s from the estate of a St Mary’s banker while the Pilots Widows Fund could trace its origins to a public collection taken up after a ‘calamity at sea’ in the late eighteenth century.

The charitable purposes of the IOSCT are drawn in extremely broad terms. General funds may be applied ‘for such charitable institutions, organisations or purposes within the Isles of Scilly as the trustees think fit’. In addition to general funds, the Trust also has a restricted fund (inherited from the Pilots Widows Fund) to be used for charitable purposes associated with maritime endeavours on the islands.

Annual report and accounts of the Edward McDonald Trust, 2021-22
Annual report and accounts of the Pilots Widows Fund, 2021-22
Statement of purpose
Privacy notice

Richard Addison Charitable Trust
Richard Addison (1895-1979) was a St Mary’s flower grower and the son of Dr William Addison (1863-1949) who was a medical practitioner on the islands. In his will, Richard left half his estate to generate an income to be expended by the Council ‘on welfare purposes… in particular for the benefit of the old folks of the islands’. The Council set up an independent charitable trust to administer the funds in 1994.

Annual report and accounts, 2021-22
Statement of purpose
Privacy notice 

How to submit an application
You can submit an application using the shared application form or leaflet below.

Application form
Application leaflet (for display at Council reception points, local post offices and other community gathering points)

Please send completed applications to Joseph Payne (clerk to both charities) either:

•    by email to; or 
•    by post to Town Hall, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0LW.