
If you wish to make a complaint, please email or write to us at:

Council of the Isles of Scilly
Town Hall
St Mary's
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0LW

Principles of Complaints Procedure

Upon receipt of your complaint the Council will usually write to you within 3 working days to let you know how the complaint will be investigated. Some complaints may not go through the formal procedure, for instance if the complaint can be resolved by a simple meeting or by the Council completing a requested service.

If the complaint is to go through the formal procedures, an officer will be nominated to investigate the complaint. They will then respond to you within 15 or 20 working days (depending on the complaint) with a conclusion.

If you are unhappy with the conclusion to your complaint you can appeal to have the complaint investigated by the Chief Executive (or someone nominated on his behalf) or appeal to the Local Government Ombudsman.

External Advice

If you wish to discuss your complaint, or a potential complaint, against the Council with someone outside of the authority, you can do so. The following organisations may provide a useful point of call for complaints.

Local Government Ombudsman - The Local Government Ombudsman (LGO) can be appealed to if you are unhappy with the result of your complaint to the Council, they can also be contacted at any time for advice. The LGO generally will not investigate a complaint unless it has been through the Council's complaints procedure, but you may contact them to discuss this at anytime.

Citizens Advice Bureau Cornwall - The Citizens Advice Bureau can offer free and impartial advice to residents about any concerns they may have. They regularly visit Scilly, so you can speak to them face to face if you wish.

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