Weddings & Civil Partnerships


The Council of the Isles of Scilly is delighted to offer couples the opportunity to marry or form a Civil Partnership at any of our approved venues or in the Isles of Scilly Register Office. For current information on how you can personalise your wedding and the legal processes you need to go through to get married or form a civil partnership on the Isles of Scilly please see our Brochure, Celebrate on Scilly, call us on 01720 424501 or email us at .

Current legislation in England and Wales does not permit weddings on beaches but we are able to offer a Civil Ceremony in our Register Office,  followed by an Affirmation of Vows and Ring Exchange at any outdoor venue on both St Mary's and the off-islands. See the attached document for more details.


Be assured that the Registration Team prides itself on offering a helpful, friendly and, above all, personal service and that we will do our best to help you make your day special.

Find us on Facebook or Twitter.

In case of emergency
If you need to contact a Registrar because you or your partner are seriously ill and not expected to recover and you wish to arrange an urgent marriage or civil partnership, please phone 0300 1234 105.

PDF icon Brochure 2024.27.pdf8.63 MB
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