Please note: the Council’s residential, domiciliary and respite care services will cease to be delivered from Park House towards the end of 2025 and will instead be provided from a new health and social care facility on the site of St Mary’s Community Hospital. You can find out more about what is changing on our Integrated Health and Social Care Facility page. In the meantime, the Council’s adult social care services should be accessed in the usual ways. We will provide updates to service users and the wider community as the project develops. |
Please note that as of November 2024 the Adult Social Care team has moved! We now have an office at the Porthmellon Enterprise Centre, also known as the PEC.
If you would like to drop in to see us you are welcome, but please note we will not always be available due to community visits and other work commitments. If you would like to ensure that you see one of the team please contact us first to make an appointment either via the phone: 01720 424 470 or by emailing:
Alternatively you can visit us at the Library on Thursday from 11:30 to 13:30 throughout the winter:
Adult Social Care
Adult social care can offer support to adults with eligible social care needs and their carers.
Our aim is to support you to live in your own home for as long as possible and lead an independent life, while having choice and control over the care that you receive.
You can contact us on:
01720 424 470 . Please note that when you call this number there will be no ringtone. Please hold until someone from the team answers the call or you are prompted to leave a message. If your call is out of office hours and urgent please call 01720 422 699 where someone will be able to help you.
Or you can contact us at:
If your call is a medical emergency please hang up and dial 999.
Social care needs consist of:
- Supporting you to eat a balanced diet
- Supporting you to look after yourself
- Supporting you with day-to-day living tasks
- Supporting you with your emotional well-being
- Supporting family and friends to care for you
What we can offer:
- Social Care Assessments
- Personal budgets
- Support for Carers
- Equipment and Home Adaptations
- Assistive Technologies
- Advice on Moving to a Care Home
- Blue Badges
- Concessionary Fares
- Meals on Wheels
- Advice and Guidance
- Getting out and about
- Staying Safe
- Advocacy Services
- Mental Capacity/LPS Advice Guidance and Support
- Learning and Volunteering
- Transition Services
Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults:
Everyone has the right to live their life free from violence fear and abuse. Everyone has the right to be respected by other people. Everyone has a right to make choices about their life and things that affect them. Everyone has a right to live in safety. You have these rights whoever you are, it doesn't matter if you are an older person, a disabled person or suffering illness, you still have these rights. Abuse can take many forms; physical, domestic, financial, emotional, sexual, neglect and discrimination. If you have any concerns about someone you care for, or is known to you, please make contact on 01720 424 470. Out of hours please contact 01720 422 699.
We are required to keep personal information when you make contact with us. We keep this information securely and privately. You can apply for access to this information under the data protection act 1998, however there can be some exceptions.
Adult social care on the Isles of Scilly welcomes your comments, compliments and complaints. This information will help us develop and improve our services to the local community. We actively look to gather feedback and respond to suggestions.
However if you wish to make a complaint, you can do so through our complaints procedure.
Adult Social Care statement on Co-production
Adult social care on the Isles of Scilly has made a commitment to consult and co-produce specific services over the next five years. These include:
A local carers strategy, Service development and a local autism strategy.
This work is due to take place between 2023 and 2028, developing services, processes and learning, with our community and helping to shape services into the coming years.
Co-production is an equal relationship between people who use services who are experts by experience and the people responsible for providing those services.
Work has been undertaken to consult with the island’s community and engage with people to offer more input into how services develop. The next logical step to this process is effective and efficient co-design and then co-production. Our main issue is producing the environment that supports effective recruitment into co-production. Numbers of experts by experience are limited on these islands and we need to encourage people from different walks of life to engage in service development.
What we have learnt from our first steps into co-production:
We rely on people that know and use the service and we acknowledge these individuals are the best people to know what services should be provided.
Co-production is working towards a common idea.
We must work together from the beginning. We work together as equals.
Get the right people i.e. experts by experience and staff to support co-production.
Don’t individually try to fix every problem that the group working together, can.
Council of the Isles of Scilly provides social work services through its Adult Social Services Directorate and in partnership with health organisations. The Council needs to collect information about you in order to provide these services. Depending on the service it may collect information about your family and other people associated with your case. The Council retains case histories in line with retention schedules. Or as long as we are legally required to.
The Council needs to use this personal, and often sensitive, information to help make the right decisions about the type of service you need. As well as to check whether the services are helping you as they should. The Council will always comply with the Data Protection Act 2018.
The Council provides services in partnership with other agencies and providers on your behalf. Social care and health care workers in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly often work together in teams providing care to people living in the community. Sometimes some of the information held by social care staff needs to be shared with staff working in other Council departments. As well as staff employed by the NHS, or other partner organisations. This is to ensure you receive proper care, support and treatment. Sharing this information also helps avoid you being asked for the same information more than once.
Questions you might ask…
Why do you need information about me?
- To allow us to undertake accurate assessments and reviews of your social care needs.
- To ensure you receive services best suited to your needs and circumstances.
- To help us monitor and improve services.
Why do you need information about other people in relation to my case?
- To allow us to most effectively assist the people who are providing you with care and support.
- If you are vulnerable or at risk, to allow us to protect you better.
To whom will you give this information?
- We will normally only share information about you, or other people related to your situation, with people involved in providing your care and support, or if we are concerned for your safety. Sometimes, we need to share information if there is a risk of harm to others, including children.
Will my information ever be shared without my knowledge?
In the following circumstances, the law allows information to be shared without your knowledge:
- to aid in the prevention and/or the detection of crime.
- if your behaviour constitutes a serious risk of harm to yourself.
- if your behaviour constitutes a serious risk of harm to others, including any children to whom you may have access.
Can I find out what information you have about me?
- Yes, you can. The Data Protection Act 2018 allows you or a representative nominated by you, to make a request for all copies of the personal information we have about you.
If there is an adult with a power of attorney registered by a Court, they can make a request on your behalf.
Whenever your consent to share your information is required, we will always ask you.
How do I get access to information held about me?
Requests for access to information must be made in writing. They can either be passed to your social worker. Or sent directly to the Council’s Data Protection Officer at the postal or email addresses below. You can ask your social worker or another member of Council staff to help you make a request for access.
Need more help?
For more information and advice on how the Council uses your personal information, please contact the Data Protection Officer at:
- Telephone: 0300 1234 105
- Email:
Caldicott Guardian:
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