Phone Box Removal - St Mary's (BT Consultation)


This Public Consultation commenced on 23rd June 2020 and runs for 42 days.  Please ensure responses are sent in by 4th August 2020. 

To make sure that the local community are fully informed, BT have placed consultation notices (including the posting date) on these payphones. A sample notice is attached. 

Why do BT want to remove payphones?

Overall use of payphones has declined by over 90 per cent in the last decade and the need to provide payphones for use in emergency situations is diminishing all the time, with at least 98 per cent of the UK having mobile coverage.  This is important because as long as there is mobile network coverage, it’s possible to call the emergency services, even when there is no coverage from your own mobile network provider.

Also, Ofcom’s affordability report found that most people no longer view payphones as essential for consumers in most circumstances.

Ofcom’s statement following their 2005 review of universal service in the telecommunications market gives the responsibility to the local authority to consult with the local community on the removal of payphone service.  They would normally expect these consultations to involve other public organisations such as parish or community councils and work within the terms of the Communications Act 2003.

Which boxes are proposed to be removed:

British Telecom (BT) are currently consulting with the Local Authority and the Community about the removal of four Public Telephone Kiosks on St Mary's:

x1 Phone Box at Telegraph (01720 422545) 

x1 Phone Box at Old Town (01720 424383) 

x1 Phone Box at Jerusalem Terrace (01720 422027) 

x1 Phone Box at The Parade (01720 422158)

Before BT can remove public telephony they have an obligation to consult with relevant public bodies on the proposed removal. As part of the consultation process it is a requirement that the Council reply in writing to BT within 90 days giving their comments or any objections received from the local community. Further information on the consultation process can be found at:

Where to send your comments:

BT have placed a site notice in each telephone box, proposed to be removed, and any representations by the public can be submitted to the Planning Department, here at the Council via the post box in the Town Hall:

(Please Mark Phone Box Removal Consultation)

The Planning Department, Council of the Isles of Scilly, Town Hall, St Mary's Isles of Scilly TR21 0WL

or by email:

Submission Deadline:

This Public Consultation commenced on 23rd June 2020 and runs for 42 days.  Please ensure responses are sent in by 4th August 2020.  

PDF icon Sample Phone Box Notice of Removal1.86 MB