
The Council of the Isles of Scilly is responsible for the administration of:

  • local government elections;

  • UK Parliamentary elections;

  • police and crime commissioner elections; and

  • referendums

Local government elections

The Council of the Isles of Scilly consists of 16 members: 12 for St Mary's and one for each of the off islands.

The Council is elected every four years. The next full council election is due on 1 May 2025.

Full council election results, 6 May 2021
By-election results since 6 May 2021

Anyone wishing to stand for election as a Councillor can find out more here.

UK Parliamentary elections

The Isles of Scilly is part of the St Ives parliamentary constituency.

The maximum term of a Parliament is five years from the day on which it first met. 

The next UK Parliamentary general election will take place on Thursday 4 July 2024.

St Ives general election results, 12 Dec 2019

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections

The Isles of Scilly is part of the Devon and Cornwall police area.

PCCs are elected every four years. The next PCC election is due on 4 May 2028.

PCC election results, Isles of Scilly voting area, 2 May 2024
PCC election results, Devon and Cornwall police area, 2 May 2024


Isles of Scilly referendum results