Code of Corporate Governance

Good Governance ensures that we fulfil our purpose as a local authority and deliver a range of high quality services to our community in an efficient, effective and ethical manner that is consistent and transparent.

Our Code of Corporate Governance refers to a range of strategy, policy and procedural documents which collectively cover the six principles of good corporate governance in local authorities, as agreed by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountancy (CIPFA) and the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE).

The six principles of good corporate governance are set out below, along with links to the main documents associated with the delivery of that principle.

Principle 1

Focusing on the purpose of the authority and on outcomes for the community, and creating and implementing a vision for the local area.

The principle is comprised of three sub-principles:

  1. Exercising strategic leadership by developing and clearly communicating the authority’s purpose and vision and its intended outcomes for citizens and service users.
  2. Ensuring that users receive a high quality of service whether directly, or in partnership, or by commissioning.
  3. Ensuring that the authority makes best use of resources and that tax payers and service users receive excellent value for money.

The key documents that define and specify how we will deliver this principle are: 


Principle 2

Councillors and Officers of the Council working together to achieve a common purpose with clearly defined functions and roles.

The principle is comprised of three sub-principles:

  1. Ensuring effective leadership throughout the authority and being clear about executive and non-executive functions and of the roles and responsibilities of the scrutiny function.
  2. Ensuring that a constructive working relationship exists between authority members and officers and that the responsibilities of authority members and officers are carried out to a high standard.
  3. Ensuring relationships between the authority and the public are clear so that each knows what to expect of the other.

The key documents that define and specify how we will deliver this principle are: 


Principle 3

Ensuring the promotion of the values of the authority, demonstrating the values of good governance by upholding high standards of conduct and behaviour.

The Principle is comprised of two sub-principles:

  1. Ensuring authority members and officers exercise leadership by behaving in ways that exemplify high standards of conduct and effective governance.
  2. Ensuring that organisational values are put into practice and are effective.

The key documents that define and specify how we will deliver this principle are: 


Principle 4

Taking informed and transparent decisions which are subject to effective scrutiny, and how we manage risk.

The Principle is comprised of four sub-principles:

  1. Being rigorous and transparent about how decisions are taken and listening and acting on the outcome of constructive scrutiny.
  2. Having good-quality information, advice and support to ensure that services are delivered effectively and are what the community wants/ needs.
  3. Ensuring that and effective risk management system is in place.
  4. Using their legal powers to the full benefit of the citizens and communities in their area.

The key documents that define and specify how we will deliver this principle are:


Principle 5

The ways in which the Council develops the capacity and capability of Councillors and Officers of the Council to be effective.

The Principle is comprised of three sub-principles:

  1. Making sure that members and officers have the skills, knowledge, experience and resources they need to perform well in their roles.
  2. Developing the capability of people with governance responsibilities and evaluating their performance, both as individuals and as a group.
  3. Encouraging new talent for membership of the authority so that best use can be made of individuals’ skills and resources for balancing continuity and renewal.

The key document that defines and specifies how we will deliver this principle is:


Principle 6

How we engage with local people and other stakeholders to ensure robust public accountability.

The Principle is comprised of three sub-principles:

  1. Exercising leadership through robust scrutiny function which effectively engages local people and all local institutional stakeholders, including partnerships, and develops constructive accountability relationships.
  2. Taking an active and planned approach to dialogue with and accountability to the public to ensure effective and appropriate service delivery whether directly by the authority, in partnership, or by commissioning.
  3. Making the best use of human resources by taking an active and planned approach to meet responsibility to staff.

The key documents that define and specify how we will deliver this principle are: 


These documents also form part of our Code of Governance Framework, which provides operational guidance and policy that all members of council and staff require to ensure we achieve a culture of consistently good governance throughout our organisation.

It is the responsibility of the Monitoring Officer to ensure that all documentation within the framework is reviewed and updated. A copy of all information contained in our Code of Governance Framework is available to members of the public on request and can be viewed at the Town Hall, St Mary's.