This page is intended to provide you with information on what we are currently consulting on. We have a duty to keep our Community up to date with changes that can affect the islands, including your rights to develop, alter or extend your property. We have a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which was updated in June 2024. This sets out how the community can engage with planning.

Upcoming Consultations for 2024:

  • We are updating our Enforcement Charter which we are intending to re-brand as the Enforcement Plan.
  • We are, for the first time in its history, reviewing our Conservation Area. In 2025 the Conservation Area will be 50 years old.
  • As we are now over 3 years into the 5-year period of our Local Plan, we are starting the review process. Our Local Development Scheme sets out which of our Development Plan Documents we will be updating/reviewing/undertaking and when you can get involved.
  • We will be reviewing and revising the Local Validation Checklist.
  • We are aiming to review and revise our Planning Protocol.

Current Consultations: