Armed Forces Day flag raising ceremony 2024

A flag raising ceremony recognising the contribution of the Armed Forces took place at 11am this morning (Monday, 24 June), in advance of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, 29 June 2024.

The Council flies the Armed Forces Day flag for a week each year, as a mark of respect for the service of our Armed Forces community.

The ceremony was attended by the Reverend Elizabeth Burke, Chaplain to the Isles of Scilly and Cllr Frances Grottick, Vice Chairman of Council, each of whom said a few words to mark the occasion.

Cllr Frances Grottick, Vice Chairman of Council said: "Each year, we recognise the contribution made by serving members of the Armed Forces, past and present. In addition to raising the Armed Forces Day flag today, I, like many others across the world, will take some time on Armed Forces Day this Saturday to reflect on the dedication of those who have served their country and of everyone who spends their lives serving their communities.”

Image of the Armed Forces Day flag being raised on the Town Hall, St Mary's by Cllr Grottick, Vice Chairman of Council

Image 1: Armed Forces Day flag being raised on the Town Hall, St Mary's by Cllr Grottick, Vice Chairman of Council

Side profile image of the Armed Forces Day flag flying on the Town Hall, St Mary's, with a crowd gathered around the building

Image 2: the Armed Forces Day flag flying at full mast on the Town Hall



Publishing date: 
Monday, 24 June, 2024