Consultation on draft gambling policy for the Isles of Scilly

In July 2023, the Council’s Licensing Committee approved the draft policy entitled ‘Draft Isles of Scilly Gambling Statement of Principles 2023-26’ for public consultation.

In accordance with the Gambling Act 2005, we are consulting the public on updates to this policy. All bodies and organisations to be directly consulted are listed in the draft policy. All premises in the Isles of Scilly with a licence/permit issued under the Gambling Act 2005 will be sent letters advising of the consultation and we are also inviting responses from the wider public.

The deadline for responses to this consultation is 12 noon on Monday 2 September 2024

How to respond to the consultation

To submit a response to the ‘Isles of Scilly Gambling Statement of Principles 2023-26’ consultation please read the document at the following link:


Comments on the content of the document can either be emailed, with the subject 'GAMBLING CONSULTATION' to or posted to the following address:

Licensing Department
Council of the Isles of Scilly
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0JJ

All responses should include your name and address and must be received no later than 12 noon on Monday 2 September 2024

You can also view a paper copy of the draft policy at the reception of St Mary’s Library during opening hours.

Next steps

At the end of the consultation period, all responses will be considered. Any amendments to the policy as a result of consultation responses will be taken to Full Council for approval.

All responses to this consultation will be anonymised before being published when the final version of the draft policy is presented at Full Council.

Publishing date: 
Monday, 22 July, 2024