Don’t forget, there are new rules about hand delivering postal votes!

Postal voters will shortly be receiving their postal voting packs for the UK Parliamentary general election.

You can still return your postal vote in the normal way by posting it in a Royal Mail post box. Nothing has changed about this.

In some cases, however, a person might wish to hand deliver their postal vote rather than send it back via Royal Mail – and the rules about hand delivering postal votes have changed significantly.

On the Isles of Scilly, you can only hand deliver a postal vote:

  • to a member of reception staff at the reception desks at St Mary’s Library and Carn Gwaval during office hours in the lead up to polling day or on polling day itself; or
  • to a member of polling station staff at a polling station on polling day.

When hand delivering a postal vote, you must complete a postal vote return form. The member of reception staff or polling station staff will provide you with this form. If you leave a postal vote without completing the form, the postal vote will be rejected.

You can only hand in your own postal vote plus a maximum of five for other electors. If you are a political campaigner, the other electors must be close relatives or people for whom you provide regular care. The maximum of five applies to the election as a whole, not to each individual visit to hand in postal votes.


Logos of The Electoral Commission and the Council of the Isles of Scilly

Publishing date: 
Monday, 24 June, 2024