Responsible drone use on the Isles of Scilly

With the World Pilot Gig Championships this weekend, can we remind all drone users to please make contact with Air Traffic Control for:

  1. Permission to operate within the restricted Zones outlined in Red on the chart below
  2. To inform us even if operating outside of these zones.

The Isles of Scilly has a busy airspace with condensed flying operations taking place both at the airport and surrounding islands, which would include military, search & rescue and HEMS Helicopter flights. We urge all drone operators intending to fly outside of the Restricted Airspace to still contact ATC with their location and timings with altitudes so that Air Traffic Control can inform all aircraft in the vicinity. Please call ATC on 01720 424335.

For further information on drones, visit:

Thank you all and have a great weekend!

Publishing date: 
Thursday, 2 May, 2019