Update on the recent Corporate Plan consultation

As many of you will be aware, Councillors recently consulted residents on 34 proposed objectives for the Corporate Plan 2022-2026.

We are enormously grateful to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. We received 268 validated responses, representing well over 10% of our whole population and exceeding our expectations. Residents spent an average of 14 minutes responding to the questions, and we received over 1,600 comments, which Councillors have been working their way through. You can see a summary of the number of responses we received below.

Councillor Dan Marcus, who has been leading on the drafting of the new Corporate Plan, said: "A massive thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to this consultation. Your answers are helping us fine tune our objectives and have given us plenty of guidance on what you want for the islands more generally. It's really heartening to hear how passionately you care about the future of our islands, and how engaged you want to be in shaping that future."

Our aim is to publish the Corporate Plan 2022-2026 at the meeting of Full Council on 17 February 2022. This will include an analysis of the data and an explanation of how Councillors have used the ratings and commentary to inform their decisions.

Total surveys completed   270
Total validated surveys   268
Average time to complete survey   14m 20s
Total validated online responses   253 (94.4%)
Total validated paper responses   15 (5.6%)
Total number of comments received   1,636
Total number of words received   18,198
Number of responses by island (not including school responses) St Mary's 185
  St Agnes 9
  Tresco 9
  Bryher 8
  St Martin's 15

The consultation ran from 22 November to 22 December 2021 and took the form of an online survey. All households on the islands received a letter making them aware of the consultation, in an effort to get as many views as possible from residents. Paper copies of the survey were made available to anyone who was unable to complete it online and, at the request of the Councillors, the survey was explained more thoroughly to those in years 9,10 and 11 of Five Islands Academy to encourage them to contribute their views.

Publishing date: 
Tuesday, 11 January, 2022