Safeguarding Adults

Some adults are more at risk of being abused than others. Adults who are more vulnerable could include older people, people with a visual or hearing impairment, people with a physical disability, people with learning disabilities or mental health problems and people living with HIV or AIDS.

If you are looking for information on domestic abuse follow this link

What should you do?

The council takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and is committed to dealing with all aspects of abuse. If you are concerned that any vulnerable adult is experiencing abuse or neglect please contact:

Contact the Adult Social Care Team on 01720 424 470.  If you need to speak to someone outside of the hours of 9am - 5pm, phone 01720 422699.

To make a safeguarding adults alert  in Cornwall you need to contact Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing on 0300 1234 131 or you can use one of the other ways listed on the following link  Adult Care, Health and Wellbeing


What happens next?

Your call will be put through to the Adult Care team.  When you speak to someone in the team they will listen to what you have to say and will ask you questions so that they understand the concerns you are raising.


Useful Information:

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Safeguarding Adults Board - Home page (