This afternoon, after the Scillonian leaves, and tomorrow will see the largest movements to date of plant and materials arriving for the works on the runways and road resurfacing, with accommodation units, parts for the batching plant and some 198 crates of bitumen coming ashore and being taken up to Parting Carn.
This represents a huge step forward in the process to resurface both the Isles of Scilly Airport runways and St Mary's Roads.
We apologise for any inconvenience or disruption this causes to residents or visitors.
More information on the movement can be found below.
Marine Access Times and Tides
St Mary’s Quay
Thursday 17th April 1630 – 2330 (clear for low tides)
Friday 18th April 0600 – 1130 (clear quay for Scillonian)
1630 – 2359 (access after Scillonian departure)
Rechabite Slip
Thursday 17th April 1900 – 2100 (clear for low tides)
Friday 18th April 0500 – 0945 (clear for low tides)
1630 – onwards until complete
Method of offloading cabins and bitumen from River Trader
River Trader secured alongside quay
- River Trader to pull into quay when Scillonian departs
- Lagan Hiab will lift any midship stowed bitumen boxes accessible between cabins on deck
- These will be transported to site by small flat beds and will be off loaded by telehandler.
- At approx 1900 Sabrina will come alongside quay to discharge pipes and timber.
- Sabrina will sail to Rechabite slip where the van and the 40’ trailer will be offloaded.
- Sabrina will return to River Trader where she will first load the forward cabin on deck (20’ unit) followed by another 3 cabins
- After removal of the first cabins the hatches will be opened on the River Trader.
- Crew will release lashing on cabins, (lashing material to be retained on-board ship)
- Caution bitumen stacks may be unstable when securing straps released.
- Any remaining midship stowed bitumen is lifted to quay by Lagan hiab
- Thereafter any accessible hold bitumen will be offloaded by the Lagan hiab and placed on the quay. It will be loaded by the factory forklift on to the small flat beds.
- Sabrina will run to Rechabite Slip where 4 larger flat bed lorries will be standing by.
- Sabrina will lift cabins to flat beds which will then run to the site compound where the cabins will be off loaded by the crane.
- Another factory forklift will be loaded. Sabrina will return to River Trader on the quay and lift the forklift into River Trader’s hold.
- Sabrina lifts a further 4 cabins onto her deck and then pulls off to stand in deep water until 0500. At this time she will proceed to Rechabite slip and lift these cabins onto the 4 larger flat beds mentioned above.
- From 2000 the Lagan Hiab will remove as many bitumen boxes as possible up to 2330 putting them on the quay side for removal in the morning shift
- At 2330 River Trader will pull off the quay to deeper water.
- At 0330 (Friday) River Trader will return to the quay.
- After discharging her overnight load of 4 cabins Sabrina will return to River Trader to take another 3 trips of cabins to the Rechabite slip until all are off loaded.
- From 0500 the Lagan Hiab will continue to remove the bitumen boxes until 1130 when the quay will have to be vacated for the Scillonian
- It is anticipated that if things go well all cabins should be offloaded by 0945 Friday.
- It is anticipated that there may be some further bitumen to be removed from 1630 Friday after the Scillonian departure. This will be done with Lagan Hiab as described above.
The Master of the River Trader and Sabrina must agree/approve any operation including discharge of cargo. Master’s decision as to safe navigation and berthing of vessel based on information from the Pilot and Harbour master is final and non-negotiable.