As you may be aware, the Council of the Isles of Scilly has submitted a planning application for the redevelopment of the Town Hall so that it can function as a Museum and Cultural Centre. The decision on whether to approve this application was deferred by Councillors pending amendment of the plans to reflect a discussion at Full Council on 23 June 2022.
These amendments have now been made and we are pleased to confirm that we have chosen to extend the period for accepting comments on the planning application. Members of the public now have the opportunity to comment on the amended plans until noon on Friday, 15 July 2022.
The planning application combines listed building consent with change of use and can be viewed on the planning pages of our website. A hard copy of the planning application will be available to view in the Library on St Mary's during their normal opening hours.
As the Town Hall is a Grade 2 listed building, Councillors will only be able to approve the amended plans in principle when they are returned for consideration at a future Full Council meeting. If Councillors do decide to approve the amended plans in principle, they will then be submitted for consideration by the Secretary of State.
Please be aware that comments made on social media cannot be taken into account at the point the planning application is considered, so if you have views on the plans for the new Museum and Cultural Centre, we strongly encourage you to comment formally at this stage.
How to comment on the amended plans
To have your comments on the plans taken into account, you must submit them in writing to the Planning Officer by emailing or posting a letter to the address below. Please quote the application number on all correspondence and provide your name and address as anonymous comments and those marked confidential cannot be considered. We are required make planning representations available for public inspection and as such any comments made are uploaded to the website. Please refer to the Planning Privacy Notice for information on how we handle data.
Planning Department
Council of the Isles of Scilly
Town Hall
The Parade
St Mary’s
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0LW
Please check before posting that your response will be received ahead of the 15 July deadline. If there is insufficient time, you can hand your response in at the desk at the Library on St Mary’s.
You can contact the Planning Department on 01720 424455 and leave a message if you have difficulties viewing the application or wish to ask any questions about the application and we will get back to you to discuss.