Poll card for postal voters

Election of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon and Cornwall police area
Date of election: Thursday 2 May 2024

We will send your postal vote around Friday 19 April 2024.

For information on candidates standing in this area, go to www.choosemypcc.org.uk or call 0300 1311323.

Your postal vote

  • You will receive a postal vote for this election because you asked to vote by post.
  • You will not be able to vote in a polling station.
  • If you have not received your postal vote by Friday 26 April 2024 call 01720 424545.

If you lose your postal vote or make a mistake

  • Please phone the helpline immediately.
  • We can only issue a replacement postal vote before 5pm on Thursday 2 May 2024.

How to vote

  1. When you receive your postal vote, read the instructions carefully.
  2. Your postal vote includes your ballot paper and a postal voting statement.
  3. Complete both of these and return them immediately.
  4. We need to receive your postal vote by 10pm on Thursday 2 May 2024.

If you miss the post, you can hand in your postal vote and/or the postal vote of others at the Council reception desks at the Library and Carn Gwaval during office hours to a person authorised to receive postal votes, or at any polling station in the voting area before 10pm on Thursday 2 May 2024.

Helpline: 01720 424545
Email: elections@scilly.gov.uk


If you need information in another format, please call our helpline.

If you need help to vote, you can ask someone you know or get independent help by calling our helpline.

It is an offence to:

  • vote using a ballot paper that was not sent for your use or interfere with another voter’s ballot paper.
  • vote more than once at the same election, unless you are voting on your own behalf and as a proxy for another person.
  • vote as a proxy on behalf of more than four electors, of which no more than two may be on behalf of other domestic electors (a domestic elector is one who is not an overseas or service elector).
  • vote as a proxy for someone if you know that by law they are not allowed to vote.

If you would rather vote in person, or ask someone else to vote on your behalf

  • you must cancel your postal vote before 5pm on Wednesday 17 April 2024.
  • Please note that when voting in person, you or someone who is voting on your behalf must show an accepted form of photographic identification. For more information, please call our helpline or visit our website.

Whether you vote in person or via post, it is an offence for someone to try to find out who you are voting for whilst you are putting your mark on your ballot paper, or to then reveal that information.