Supporting Healthy Relationships

Free courses available to parents on the Isles of Scilly to support healthy relationships

The Council of the Isles of Scilly has joined up with Cornwall Council to offer families the opportunity to join online workshops.  No matter where you are in your parenting journey, you can learn to manage stress and communicate more effectively.

The workshops are delivered over 3 weeks, one 2-hour session per week. The workshops are facilitated by trained professionals and will also give you the opportunity to meet other parents who may be going through similar experiences. 

Whether you are parenting together or separately, one of the best things you can do for your child is to improve the relationship between parents


Supporting Healthy Relationships workshops

Me, You and Baby Too – a course for all new or expectant parents

You will learn:

  • What your baby picks up, even before they are born
  • Why stress should be a shared burden
  • How you and your partner can support each other
  • How to talk to bring up difficult topics
  • How arguments start, and how to stop them

Both parents are encouraged to attend together, but one parent can attend on their own. 

Next course dates: Virtual online course, ages pre-birth to 12 months

Mondays 27th January, 3rd, 10th February 9.30-11.30am

Tuesdays 18th and 25th March and 1st April 6.00-8.00pm

Arguing Better – a course for parents

You will learn:

  • Where stress comes from and how it can affect you
  • Ways to recognise stress and talk about it
  • How to support each other through difficult times
  • What causes arguments and how to stop them

Both parents are encouraged to attend together, but one parent can attend on their own. 

Next course dates: Virtual online course, ages 1 - 19 years

Tuesdays 25th February, 4th and 11th March 6-8pm

Mondays 17th ,24th ,and 31st March 9.30-11.30am

Getting it Right for Children – a course for separating or separated parents

You will learn:

  • How to stay calm and listen as well as talk
  • Why it’s helpful to see things from a different point of view
  • What to do to stop a discussion from turning into an argument
  • Skills for finding solutions and making compromises

Parents should attend separate courses, please book onto separate dates.  

Next course dates: Virtual online course, ages 0 to 19 years

Mondays 24th February, 3rd and 10th March 9.30-11.30am

To book on any of the above courses please use this link: Supporting Healthy Relationships Workshops (


Free self-guided courses

Visit the One Plus One website for self-guided courses and resources.  Please note that you will be asked to set up an account: Parent resource sign up (


If you would like further information or support, please email


The Family Pride Service – support for LGBTQ+ families

For LGBTQ+ families the Family Pride Service run by the Intercom Trust is for families to self-refer for help and support, they can help you as a family address any problems together with support.

The kinds of challenges they help with include:

  • General tension or communication problems between parents (together or apart)
  • A desire to develop your parenting skills or understanding (as a couple or individual)
  • Disagreement on how to best support an LGBT+ child in the family
  • Managing divorce / dissolution / separation as best as possible for the children

To access this support or simply to find out more please go to their website for the number to call or to self-refer or someone else can refer you on your behalf.

Intercom Trust | LGBT+ Families