Planning application: P/17/047

Discharge of conditions C3 (Site Waste Management), C4 (Written Scheme of Investigation) C6 (Landscaping), C8 (sample materials)  in relation to planning permission P/16/111/FUL for a new fish processing building for Island Fish approved in November 2016.

Please note that comments on discharge of conditions applications are not normally accepted. This is because the the application relates to specific pre-commencement conditions applied to a permission as a result of a consultations carried out at the public consultation stage and doesn't relate to the principle of the development. Where relevant, statutory consultees will be consulted again on the information submitted. 

Application number: 
Application type: 
Discharge of Conditions
Applicant name: 
Miss A Pender
Site address: 
Kenython, Norrad, Bryher, Isles of Scilly
Applicant address: 
New Park The Town Bryher Isles Of Scilly TR23 0PR
Valid date: 
Thursday, 22 June, 2017
Decision due: 
Wednesday, 2 August, 2017
Decision Date: 
Friday, 18 August, 2017