Community Renewal Fund
An opportunity to pilot new ideas and help shape future funding programmes.
The UK Community Renewal Fund has £220 million to invest across the UK.
This Fund aims to support people and communities in need across the UK. It will invest in skills, communities, businesses, and by supporting people into employment.
UK government has identified the Council of the Isles of Scilly the Lead Authority for the Islands. As a lead authority we will invite, assess, prioritise, and submit bids to government.
Projects should apply for a minimum value of £500,000, where this is possible. Match funding is encouraged.
Before starting work on a bid please read;
- the UK Community Renewal Fund Prospectus
- the UK Community Fund Technical Note for Project Applicants and Deliverers
Please check the website throughout your bid to ensure you are aware of any amendments made by UK Government.
The Council is inviting applications that will focus on our local priorities. The key priority identified to date is for funding to progress a proposed museum and cultural centre, if you have any further ideas we need to know as soon as possible.
The Application Form is available here. Applicants should refer to the Application Guidance when completing their forms.
The Council as Lead Authority will submit short lists of bids received to UK Government for assessment by noon on 18 June 2021.
UK government announces successful projects for the UK Community Renewal Fund