The Council of the Isles of Scilly are a partner in the Winter Wellbeing campaign that aims to reduce preventable winter deaths and help those at risk of ill-health and fuel poverty; so as the temperature drops and the days get shorter, please remember the Ten Top Tips for staying warm and well this winter.
If you have underlying health issues, are caring for a vulnerable person or young children, worried about fuel bills, debts, keeping warm or your home being cold or damp, help and support is available via a free phone line hosted by Community Energy Plus. Please call them on - 0800 954 1956 to discuss any concerns you may have.
An Isles of Scilly specific Winter Wellbeing brochure will be published in early November and posters will be distributed across the islands in the coming days to help raise awareness.
The Isles of Scilly Emergency Winter Wellbeing Fund will also be launched in the coming weeks to assist those struggling to afford the cost of fuel or energy. Up to £300 will be available with the scheme jointly led by both Adult and Children’s Services. In addition the initiative will be complemented by a series of drop in sessions that will promote topics such as reducing energy consumption, improving insulation and reducing condensation or damp, we’ll also have some free energy saving light bulbs to distribute.