Course Booking & Attendance

Course Booking & Attendance

To be read in conjunction with the Course Information Sheet prior to enrolment.

Course Participation

All courses need a minimum number of participants to run. If you are interested in a course, contact the Learn Scilly office. You will be added to a waiting list and contacted as soon as there are enough learners to run the course.

Enrolment information

Places on courses cannot be confirmed until we have received your completed enrolment form or your online enrolment.  We also require payment or confirmation from your employer that they will pay the course fee in full.


Payment can be made:

Spreading the Cost

If you would prefer to spread the cost of your course you may wish to take the opportunity to pay by instalments.  This option is available if your course fee is £60 or over.

  • We will work with you to arrange a suitable payment plan
  • The first instalment is due at the point of enrolment which can be paid by cash, cheque, debit or credit card,
  • We will send you a reminder when you are due to pay the subsequent instalments(s).
  • The final instalment must be paid before the end of your course


You should arrive for your class in good time to avoid delays in starting the class or disruption for your fellow learners.  If you are unable to attend a class, for any reason, please ensure that your course tutor is made aware of this in advance.

Refunds and cancellations

  • A full refund will be made when a course does not start and is cancelled by the service.
  • Where you cancel your place on the course more than 7 days prior to the start of the course a full refund will be given less a £5 administration charge.
  • Where you cancel your place on the course less than 7 days prior to the start of the course 50% of the course fees will be refunded less a £5 administration charge.
  • Once a course has started no refund will be given.
  • Where you are unable to attend a class due to weather issues a pro-rata refund will be given.
  • Where you are unable to attend on medical grounds a pro-rata refund may be given. 

All refunds must be applied for either by email or in writing.  Exceptions may be made in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Head of Learning, Leisure and Customer Services.

If a class has to be cancelled due to tutor illness, adverse weather conditions or similar, we will contact you as soon as possible.  To assist us in contacting you, please make sure we have accurate information regarding your contact details and inform us immediately if you have moved or changed your telephone number or email address.  Please check your answer phone messages before leaving for a class.

We also have a Learner handbook that can be sent to you upon request or is available here.