Specific Local Need Policy

At Full Council on the 22nd February 2018 Members of the Council of the Isles of Scilly approved the revocation of the Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) documents for Key Workers and Specific Local Need and agreed to the adoption of an interim policy position.  Following the adoption of the Local Plan (20156-2030) the policy for assessing Local Need is contained within Policy LC2 of the Local Plan 

Information on how and why the specific local need criteria and planning obligations are used. We aim to turn applications around within 28 days of receipt. They are considered and determined by the Chief Planning Officer in consultation with the Lead Member for Planning. 

The new application forms for people seeking to obtain a Specific Local Need Status- are now available to download below: 

Application Form A for applying for Specific Local Need Status for Employment Purposes.

Application Form B for applying for Specific Local Need Status for Existing Residents

Application Form C for applying for Specific Local Need Status for Former Residents

Completed applications should be emailed to planning@scilly.gov.uk 


Revocation of the Council of the Isles of Scilly Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents

In accordance with regulation 15(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, pertaining to the Planning and Compulsory Planning Act 2004, revocation of a supplementary planning document must follow some requisite steps, including where a supplementary planning document is revoked pursuant to section 25 of the Act, the local planning authority must (a) cease to make any documents relating to the revoked supplementary planning document available in accordance with regulation 35; and (b) take such other steps as it considers necessary to draw the revocation of the supplementary planning document to the attention of persons living or working in their area.

Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents Revoked

On 22nd February 2018 and in accordance with relevant regulations, the Full Council of the Council of the Isles of Scilly decided to revoke the adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) documents. These guidance documents, the date adopted, their purpose and comments on their withdrawal are contained in the table below.

This statement will be made available for inspection, at the Town Hall, St Mary’s, during normal office hours and on the Council’s website for a period of 3 months, in accordance with regulation 35 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012.

Table 1. Supplementary Planning Guidance and Documents Withdrawn


Name of Document

Notes on Drafting




Specific Local Need Criteria for Affordable Housing

1st Drafted and consulted on in March 2004. Adopted by the Council in 2005

The document sets out the criteria for the assessment of qualifying persons with a Specific Local Need in the context of Policy 3 of the 2005 Local Plan.

This document will be superseded by the emerging policies of the new local plan which will be subject to public consultation in March 2018.


Key Worker Policy and Procedure Document

1st Drafted and consulted on in March 2004. Adopted by the Council in 2005

The document sets out the policy and procedures for determining Key Workers in the context of Policy 3 of the 2005 Local Plan.

This document will be superseded by the emerging policies of the new local plan which will be subject to public consultation in March 2018.