COVID Winter Grant Scheme and other hardship support for Isles of Scilly residents

The Department for Work and Pensions has provided councils with specific funding to help ensure vulnerable households do not go hungry or without essential items this winter. The Council of the Isles of Scilly has been allocated just over £4,000 to cover the period to the end of March 2021. The funding is ring-fenced, with at least 80% earmarked to support with food and bills. 

We encourage anyone who is struggling to buy food, heat their home or pay energy bills to contact us as soon as possible. Those eligible for free school meals are automatically eligible to receive funding from this pot. If you are not a family with children, but are facing hardship, you can still contact us. Even if you’re not eligible for this pot of money, our officers may still be able to help you access financial support and advice.

The Hardship Fund is still available for those facing similar financial difficulties related to COVID-19, due to the generosity of the Edward McDonald Trust, the Duke of Cornwall’s Benevolent Fund, the Richard Addison Charitable Trust, Cornwall Community Foundation and the Lord Phillimore Charitable Settlement. It has also received generous support from members of the public.

To apply for financial support, please get in touch with any of the following Council officers:

Matt Davis, Social Worker: 01720 424454 / 07810 881381 or

Rachel Guy, Housing and Tenant Liaison Officer: 01720 424441 / 07925 360405 or

Jennie Woodcock, Early Help Assistant, Children's Social Care: 01720 424483 / 07917 198334 or

If you are facing financial hardship, don't delay in contacting us early to help ease the pressure on you and your family, and if you are already in hardship, please bear in mind that in some cases we can provide support within 24 hours. 

Any data you provide will be dealt with in a confidential manner and in accordance with our privacy notice.

Further information about the range of government financial support currently available can be found here.

Publishing date: 
Wednesday, 6 January, 2021