Boatman licenses

Boatman Licenses 2025 - 2030

In order to operate in the waters around the Isles of Scilly, a licence, issued by the Council of the Isles of Scilly as a Competent Authority under the MCA, is required.  Holders of a Boat-masters Level 2 Certificate require a ‘local knowledge endorsement’ to their Boat-masters licence which covers:

Isles of Scilly – the waters defined within a line drawn from Bishop Rock Lighthouse to Scilly Rock, Round Island, White Island, Hanjague and the south east of St. Mary’s.”

The Licenses issued by the Council of the Isles of Scilly cover the following:

EE  (Boathand)

DD  (Quay to Quay and accepted landing places on inhabited islands)

DD Extra  (As above to include the top of Bryher and Tresco)

CC  (Area enclosed by a line joining Browarth Point on St. Agnes; Little Minalto; Rushy Bay, Bryher; Shipman Head to Cromwell’s Castle, Tresco etc)

BB  (The Isles of Scilly waters east of a line from Annet Head to Scilly Rock including Smith Sound and south of St. Agnes, but not Western Rocks etc)

AA  (Anywhere within the area of these Islands)

DIVER’S  (In an area as requested)

MC  Main Channel – (Into and out of St. Mary’s Harbour via the North Channel and St. Mary’s Roads, and St. Mary’s Sound and St. Mary’s Roads).

The licence requires the applicant to demonstrate their knowledge and skill in seamanship and ability to navigate around the Islands.

For applicants who have not a previous licence with the Authority, test fees will be combined to give a total (less a 20% reduction) of the tests required to demonstrate the appropriate level of knowledge required by the applicant.

Please contact us for any clarification required.

The application form which is in four parts may be downloaded and sent with a medical certificate and photo to Licensing, The Library, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly  TR21 0JQ.

All applicants must complete Section A and then:

Section B        If applying for a new boatman’s licence

Section C        If applying to renew your current licence, and/or

Section D        If applying for an upgrade to your licence.

All applications (sections B, C and D) MUST be accompanied by a passport sized photo.






All Areas



Outer Area



Inner Area


DD **

Quay to Quay



Main Channel





SBO (1 Area defined with agreement of Examiner)

Safety Boat


DAT  (1 Area defined with agreement of Examiner)

Divers' Area Test


**  DD Extra

Additional Fee North of Tresco

New Grimsby/Old Grimsby via North of Tresco





Combined Tests will be subject to a 20% discount