Concessionary Boat Scheme

What is a Concessionary Boat Fare?

It is a discretionary concession to ensure off-island residents can reach services mainly available on St Marys. Each year eligible residents receive 52 single fare vouchers.

Who can apply to this scheme?

To be eligible for the scheme you must:

  • be a resident of an Isles of Scilly off-island (resident for 10 months of the year or more)
  • be of state pensionable age OR
  • qualify as eligible disabled, as per the national bus pass criteria.

People who reach state pensionable age part-way through the year can apply for a smaller pro-rata allocation of tickets.

When can I use my vouchers?

Vouchers can be used for journeys to health appointments, the library, Queen Elizabeth II Community Sports Hall, Normandy Swimming Pool, Memory Café, visiting friends and family, shopping, collecting prescription medicines and more.

How do I use my vouchers?

Simply hand a voucher to your local boat service as ‘payment’.

If I do not use my passes can I give them to someone else to use?

No. Vouchers are not transferable.

What do I do if I run out of vouchers?

Concessionaires receive their allocation of tickets at the beginning of the financial year. Additional tickets can be applied for by contacting the Adult Social Care team in writing, by telephone on 01720 424470 or by email to

Health Passes.

Four Health Special Passes are issued for reaching health appointments outside standard boating times, these are available to all adults to access health appointments on St Mary's.

Health Specials are issued in order to access health appointments on St Mary’s which fall outside of the times covered by regular boat journeys. Health Passes are valid on Special trips up to the value of £25 each only; you will have to make up any difference, and no change will be provided should it be less than that.

Please contact Adult Social Care for more information.

Please note: Health Passes are no longer valid for the use on the Medical Launch, operated by Mr J Terry. If you choose to use this service it will be at your own expense and the Council of the Isles of Scilly will not reimburse the £25 fee.”

Can I use any left-over passes that have expired?

No. These will no longer be valid.