Conservation Area Review

Isles of Scilly Conservation Area.

The Council of the Isles of Scilly designated a Conservation Area, covering all of the islands, in June 1975. In 2025 the Conservation Area will be 50 years Old. We hope to celebrate this milestone with an appraisal and management plan of the Conservation Area which will set out what is significant about each island. The intention is for this work to guide development in a way that safeguards the historic environment resulting in a positive strategy moving forward.

September 2023: the Council applied to the Government for a grant through the Planning Skills and Delivery Fund (PSDF) to undertake a review of its Conservation Area. The bid for PSDF money was successful. The Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan will be a key document to support development projects on the islands and will be adopted, in due course, as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).  During 2024 Cornwall Archaeological Unit (CAU), who have been appointed to carry out this work, will be undertaking the preliminary site visits and pulling together a full understanding of the significance, and historical development across the five inhabited islands. This will be subject to public consultation in accordance with statutory requirements for adopting the work as a SPD and our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) which was updated in June 2024.

July 2024: We are currently at Stage 1 and will update this page when we consult on the DRAFT Conservation Area review document.

Key Stage of Preparation: Stage 1 – Early Community Involvement and Evidence Gathering

What we will do

Your opportunities for involvement

Place details on the Council’s website on the subject matter of the SPD.

Gather information, including recent studies to create up to date evidence on the topic and publish these on the Council’s website.

Collate information from people / groups / organisations on the subject of the SPD. This will involve using the most appropriate methods of community involvement as set out in this SCI proportionate to the geographic area and topic of the SPD as appropriate.

Consider whether a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the SPD is required and record the outcome of this process.

Register your contact details to be placed on the Council’s Planning Policy Consultation Platform to be kept informed of the preparation of the SPD.

Attend any consultation events we may hold on the SPD as appropriate.

Give us your comments on the topic of the SPD and what you think the document should contain.

Key Stage of Preparation: Stage 2 – Preparation of a draft SPD

What we will do

Your opportunities for involvement

Using the information and views gathered in Stage 1 above, we will prepare a draft SPD and a statement of consultation setting out who we have consulted and the main issues raised and how these have been addressed in the SPD.

This is not a consultation stage.

Key Stage of Preparation: Stage 3 – Consultation on draft SPD (Regulation 12 and 13)

What we will do

Your opportunities for involvement

Undertake a formal public consultation on a draft SPD for at least 4 weeks.

Make the draft SPD and associated documents including the Statement of Consultation available to view on the Council’s website, at the Council’s main office and Library (on St Mary’s) and in the Community/Island Halls for our off-island communities.

Notify people / groups / organisations who have registered an interest in the topic(s) of the SPD.

Register your contact details to be placed on the Planning Policy Consultation Platform to be kept informed of the preparation of the SPD.

Attend any consultation events we may hold on the SPD as appropriate.

Give us your comments on the draft SPD.

Key Stage of Preparation: Stage 4 – Consideration of the points made in representations

What we will do

Your opportunities for involvement

Consider all the points made in representations and make any necessary amendments to the draft SPD. If there are significant changes we may go back to Stage 3 and re-consult on a revised draft SPD.

This is not a consultation stage.

Key Stage of Preparation: Stage 5 – Adoption of SPD (Regulation 14)

What we will do

Your opportunities for involvement

Adopt the final SPD

Make the adopted SPD together with an adoption statement available on the Councils website, at the Council’s main office and Library (on St Mary’s) and in the Community/Island Halls for our off-island communities.

Notify anyone who asked to be notified of the adoption of the SPD.         

This is not a consultation stage.