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Planning Application Forms

Application forms for all types of application are available to download and print out further down this page, unfortunately it is not possible to fill them in electronically from here. Help notes for completing each form are also provided along with Guidance notes explaining what the application should be used for. Alternatively, you can submit your application electronically on-line via the Planning Portal removing the need to print hard copies of your application and accompanying documents. We can accept applications by email as well but please ensure that any plans provided are produced or scanned in a way that we can scale from them electronically or when printed (this is why scale bars are also important).

Please ensure you complete the Ownership Certificate section of the relevant application form. Please be aware if your have multiple owners with an interest in a building or land on which you are making a planning application then you will need to complete Certificate B and include any other landowner in the list and serve each with Notice Number 1. This formally notifies other land owners of your intention to submit a planning application. 

Refer to the Validation Checklist for National and Local Requirements to identify what additional information to submit with your application and the Glossary of Terms for a guide as to what is required for each document. The majority of applications require location and block plans. If using Ordnance Survey based data these must have a relevant copyright statement and license for your use included (please note that title plans specifically cannot be used). To obtain suitable plans please see the Planning Portal

You can calculate the fee for your planning application using the Planning Portal's Planning Application Fee Calculator or by reading A Guide to the Fees for Planning Applications. Please note that fees increased by 25% (and 35% for Major applications) in December 2023. If you require help or clarification calculating the fee for an application please contact the planning department for confirmation. See our document explaining how Payments can be made to the Council in relation to applications.

Please note that a revised validation checklist has now been adopted. This means that if a bat survey is required as part of the application submission, the bat survey and any subsequent presence and absence surveys (PAS) will need to be submitted with the application in order for it to be validated. If a PAS is required, this will mean the application cannot be registered until it has been carried our usually between the months of May and September during the active bat season. For more information see the Bats and Buildings section on this page

The validation checklist also requires consideration of the management of waste, both in the short term (construction waste and minimisation) and long term. We have provided a template for Site Waste Management Plans.

It is already a national requirement to consider the issue of 'significance' with planning applications that impact on designated heritage assets such as listed buildings, conservation areas and scheduled monuments for example, including their setting.  We have provided a template for providing a Statement of Significance for development affecting heritage.

If you have any queries about your planning application, please contact the Planning  Department (Tel: 01720 424455, email:

For applications to modify or discharge planning obligations (Section 106 Agreements) please see here.

Application Forms

Householder Application Forms

These should only be used for works or extension to an existing dwelling.

Householder application for planning permission with listed building consent.

Householder Application for Planning Permission for works or extension to a dwelling and for relevant demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area.

Full Planning Permission

Applications for full planning permission should be used for all types of development, except for householder applications.

Applications for planning permission and listed building consent for alterations extension or demolition of a listed building

Application for Planning Permission and for relevant demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area

Application for planning permission for relevant demolition in a conservation area

Listed Building Consent

The following  forms should be used for listed buildings where alterations, extension or demolition are being proposed.

Advertisement Consent

Application forms for consent to display advertisements

Applications for consent to display advertisements with planning permission

Tree Works and Hedgerow Removal

Applications for works to trees subject to a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) or trees within a conservation area.

Applications for hedgerow removal

Non-material Amendments

Non-material amendment following a grant of planning permission

Lawful Development Certificates

Existing Use

Applications for a lawful development certificate for an existing use, operation or activity including those in breach of a planning condition.

Proposed Use

Applications for a lawful development certificate for a proposed use or development.

Variation or Removal of Condition

Application for the variation or a removal of a Condition following grant of planning permission

Application to Discharge Condition

*Note that an application to discharge a condition can be made in writing and a fee applies in relation to planning permissions. See Post Planning for more information on discharging conditions.

Application for approval of details reserved by condition (Discharge Condition).

Other Forms

Outline Applications

Applications for outline planning permission with some matters reserved.

Applications for outline planning permission with all matters reserved.

Prior Notification

Applications for prior notification of proposed agricultural development - proposed building.

Applications for prior notification of proposed agricultural development - proposed road.

Applications for prior notification of proposed agricultural development - excavation/waste material.

Applications for prior notification of proposed agricultural development - fish tank (cage).

Applications for prior notification of proposed development in respect of permitted development by telecommunications code systems operators.

Other Planning Application Forms

The above link is to the Planning Portal to obtain downloadable PDF copies of any planning application form including those above and additional forms not available here such as prior approval forms.