Service Standards: Environmental Health

Environmental Health staff will aim to return your contact within 48hrs of receipt. Contact will always be returned to you within 5 working days. 

If an 'out of office' message is received upon email please resend your email to


Registration as a New Food Business Operator

Environmental Health staff will aim to return your contact within 14 days of receipt. An inspection of your premises will usually occur within 28 days of you commencing trading. For more information on this please see the link below.

Registration of New Food Business

Notification of Communicable Disease

Environmental Health staff will aim to return your contact within 24hrs of receipt. You will be required to compete a telephone consultation and questionnaire which we discuss with UKHSA. For more information on Foodborne illness please see the link below. 

Foodborne Illness

Food Safety Incident (Suspected or confirmed Poisoning etc)

Environmental Health Staff will aim to return your contact within 24hrs of receipt. You must contact your doctor if you have not already done so. You will be required to compete a telephone consultation and questionnaire which we may need to discuss with the Food Standards Agency, The Health Protection Agency, and UKHSA. For more information on Foodborne Illness and Food Safety Standards please see the links below. 

Foodborne Illness
Food Safety Standards