At Full Council on 25th March 2021 (agenda item 9) Members approved the adoption of the Local Plan (2015-2030). The new Local Plan (2015-2030) officially revokes the 2005 Local Plan, including all of its policies and allocations. All existing Supplementary Planning Documents remain in place and will be updated to reflect the new Local Plan. The New Local Plan (2015-2030) is now available here.
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) was originally published in March 2012. As of July 2018 this was updated to reflect the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. Planning Practice Guidance has been put together to outline the regulations and how the NPPF manages all areas such as Lawful Development Certificates, Tree Preservation, Noise, Adverts, Local Plans, Appeals, Design and many other subjects. Visit the Planning Practice Guidance website to find out more.
The Isles of Scilly Local Plan - A 2020 Vision REVOKED
The Isles of Scilly Local Plan – A 2020 Vision was adopted in November 2005. All of the Policies of the Local Plan have been saved by the Secretary of State until such time as the Local Planning Authority has adopted a new local plan. The 2005 Local Plan provides a clear spatial planning strategy for the islands in a concise and precise manner, reflecting its relatively small population and geographic area. The Local Plan has regard to the Sustainable Community Strategy for the islands. The Local Plan complements existing strategies for economic development, transport, heritage and culture, as well as the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan. The focus of the Local Plan is to meet the development needs of the islands with the aim of sustaining its communities whilst protecting its outstanding environment that provides the context both for its economy centred on tourism and flower farming.
As set out above, with the exception of those proposals that have already been implemented, the policies contained in the Local Plan have been saved beyond the 3 year period since it was adopted by the Government through the powers of the Secretary of State. Until the adoption of a new local plan, the Local Plan will therefore provide the basis for determining planning applications for the purposes of Section 38(6) of the Town and Country Planning Act along with the Governments National Planning Policy Framework.
The Isles of Scilly Authority (formally Annual) Monitoring Report (AMR)
Section 113 of The Localism Act (2011) includes the requirement to produce an Authority Monitoring Report (AMR). Authorities can choose which targets and indicators to include in the report as long as they are in line with the relevant UK and EU legislation. Their primary purpose is to share the performance and achievements of the planning service with the local community. The Act requires every authority to produce a series of reports containing information on the implementation and effectiveness of the Local Plan, and the extent to which planning policies set out in the Local Plan documents are being achieved.
Links to the AMRs have moved to the Examination Library and are available here under Evidence Base documents, in the table at the bottom of the page. This includes AMR1 (2006-2007) through to AMR14 (2019-2020).
Supplementary Planning Documents
As part of the Local Plan, a variety of documents have been produced since 2004. These Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) help inform and assist in the application of policies when decisions are made on planning applications. These include:
Isles of Scilly Design Guide SPD
The Isles of Scilly Design Guide was approved in 2006 to complement the Local Plan and the AONB Management Plan. It offers clear and practical guidance in order to achieve high quality and sustainable design and ensure the special character of Scilly is retained and where possible enhanced.
Biodiversity and Geodiversity SPD
The Council of the Isles of Scilly has collaborated with the Cornwall Wildlife Trust, the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust and Natural England to prepare the document - Biodiversity and Geological Conservation - Planning Good Practice Guidance for the Isles of Scilly. The document is designed to assist those who are submitting and determining planning applications in Scilly to understand how to ensure that biodiversity and, where relevant, geodiversity are protected, conserved and enhanced as a consequence of development.
Isles of Scilly Sustainable Energy Strategy SPD
The Council of the Isles of Scilly, with the help of the Cornwall Sustainable Energy Partnership, has developed a Sustainable Energy Strategy for the islands.
The Isles of Scilly Sustainable Energy Strategy will complement the Local Plan, the AONB Management Plan and the Isles of Scilly Design Guide. It aims to raise awareness concerning the provision and consumption of energy and seeks to promote actions that will improve the energy profile of the Isles of Scilly. The intention is for the Sustainable Energy Strategy to be inspirational, helping to guide private, public and domestic energy users to consider the benefits of consuming energy in a more sustainable manner. The strategy will help make the islands more self sufficient and ideally a net exporter of energy. It seeks to reduce local impact on climate change, enhance the quality of life for those people living in fuel-poor homes and improve business performance by minimising the energy resources necessary to deliver an organisation's targets.
Strategic Transport Framework
The Strategic Transport Framework has had a long gestation: this reflects the complex and ever changing transport issues on the islands in relation to both mainland and interisland connections. It is recognised that there are no easy or obvious solutions that will resolve all of the islands' transport issues, but there are a range of actions and options set out in the Transport Framework which will, if implemented, assist in addressing some of the challenges facing the islands. However, the cost of transport provision, and its affordability for users, remains a fundamental issue over which the Council has little control. The inexorable rise of transport costs for both freight and passengers, and the limited nature of services, is having a significant and detrimental impact on the economy and welfare of Isles of Scilly residents. The scope and influence of the Transport Framework is constrained as many of the fundamental issues facing the islands are the result of commercial decisions.
Other Guidance
Non-Mains Drains
There are a very limited number of public drainage systems to connect to on the Isles of Scilly meaning that private drainage arrangements such as septic tanks are often necessary. Guidance on the disposal of sewage where no mains drainage is available can be found here and there is a leaflet on small sewerage treatment systems.
Bats and Buildings
All bats and their roosts are protected by law. The Bats and Buildings leaflet tells you how to make sure your proposed development will not illegally harm bats. It will assist you in preparing or revising your planning application. This information is published because of the possibility of bats being present in your property. They can be discreet visitors and you may not have noticed their presence. They cause no harm to buildings and pose no health risk. These guidelines aim to provide the information needed to consider the effects of development on bats, what you must do if you wish to carry out work on your property and useful contacts for further help and advice.
***Please note that the licensed wardens from the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust and the Bat Group are no longer able to carry out Bat Surveys. Please consider this whilst reading the 'Bats and Buildings' leaflet as the procedure for obtaining a bat survey will change. It will mean having to employ an alternative organisation to assist you.
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