Healthy Choices

Welcome to Council’s Healthy Choices scheme, aimed at encouraging Scilly’s food businesses to review and potentially improve their offer of healthier food options to consumers. Further information can be found in the printable PDF document link above right.

Hugh Street Café is the first business to be accredited under the scheme as part of a successful pilot. The business was easily able to demonstrate healthy options and good practice across all of the following criteria:

1. At least 3 “healthy options” on the menu.

2. Utilising local island produce or suppliers.

3. Reduced calorie/sugar drinks available

4. Reduce food Waste: Flexible menu that allows food Business Operators to use up food.

5. Fruit and vegetables available as sides or snacks or with meals.

6. Salad and vegetables included within meal options.

7. Evidence of reduced fats and salts in menu choices and lower fat cooking methods wherever possible.

8. Evidence of excellent allergy awareness and information to customers.

9. Offer smaller portion size options for adults and children (Children or “less hungry adult” option).

10. Promotes healthier choices.

Cllr Steve Sims, the Council’s Lead Member for Place, said: “this is an excellent initiative from our Environmental Health team and benefits businesses and consumers alike. Businesses can show their commitment to healthy eating and local produce and consumers will get healthier options from the islands’ excellent food outlets.”

Any successful applicant will also be listed on this page of Council’s website as an accredited business, and have a certificate and sticker to display at their premises.

The Application Form is available to download on the link above and can be completed and resubmitted electronically or by post.

The initiative is open to all businesses who have at least a Four Star Food Hygiene Rating System score and who can demonstrate the benefits and critieria set out above. This scheme would clearly not suit some manufacturing and primary production buisnesses. Terms and Conditions are set out at the end of the Application Form

contact for additional information 

Accredited food businesses

Please see the PDF file at the top right of this page

Healthy Choices Logo - lemon slice with a checkmark