Planning application: P/24/028/FUL-A

PROPOSAL: Construction of 27 new homes including landscaping, surface water management, renewable energy, on-site road access and footpaths, vehicle parking, refuse and cycle provision, provision of public open space and single point of vehicular access off Telegraph Road (Major Development) (Amended Plans)

This page contains a complete set of the plans and documents relating to this proposal and any comments or consultation responses received in relation to them. The original set of plans, documents, representations, consultations responses and correspondence can be found on the original application webpage here: P/24/028/FUL 

Please refer to the document at the top of the file list ("P-24-028 Response from Agent with Amendments") on the right of the page for a summary of matters that have been addressed by the amended plans.

TARGET COMMITTEE DATE: 15th October 2024


Commenting on an application

If you wish to comment on an application, you can do so in writing to the Planning Officer by email or by letter to the address below. Please note that postal communication may currently experience slight delays. Hard copies of the plans are currently unavailable to view in person however please call the Planning Department on 01720 424455 and leave a message if you are unable to view plans electronically or wish to ask any questions about the application and we will get back to you to discuss.

Planning Department
Council of the Isles of Scilly
Town Hall
The Parade
St. Mary's
Isles of Scilly
TR21 0LW

All representations should be made within the consultation period (normally within 21 days of validation of the application). If your comments are received any later, you should be aware that the application may have already been determined. Please quote the application number on all correspondence and provide your name and address as anonymous comments and those marked confidential cannot be considered. We are required make planning representations available for public inspection and as such any comments made are uploaded to the website. Please refer to the Planning Privacy Notice for information on how we handle data.

In the event an appeal is made against a decision of the Council to refuse to grant planning permission for the proposed development, and that appeal then proceeds by way of expedited procedure under the ‘written representations’ procedure, any representations made to the Council about this application will be passed to the Secretary of State and there will be no opportunity to make further representations.

The Council reserves the right not to publish or take into account any letters of representation which are openly offensive or defamatory. Under the provisions of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 you should be aware that any comments you make are not confidential and may be read by any person who so wishes.


Plans, drawings and material submitted to the Council are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, 1988 act). You may only use material which is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans. Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Application number: 
Application type: 
Applicant name: 
Mr Simon Jones
Site address: 
Ex-Secondary School Site, Carn Thomas, Hugh Town, St Mary's, Isles Of Scilly
Applicant address: 
1 Wellington Way, Skypark, Exeter, Devon, EX5 2FZ
Agent name: 
Mr Paul Marino
Agent address: 
St Andrews, 35 Alphington Road, Exeter, Devon, EX2 8HP
Valid date: 
Wednesday, 15 May, 2024
Consultation period ends: 
Monday, 9 September, 2024
Decision due: 
Thursday, 31 October, 2024
Committee Date: 
Thursday, 3 October, 2024
PDF icon P-24-028 Response from Agent with Amendments765.35 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Application Form Redacted287.37 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Location Plan1.13 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Site Plan 21024_SP_0121.51 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Design and Access Statement-Rev A Part 119.59 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Design and Access Statement-Rev A Part 28.9 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Design and Access Statement-Rev A Part 310 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Design and Access Statement-Rev A Part 419.01 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Affordable Housing Statement652.64 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Arboricultural Appraisal786.71 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 BNG Report Redacted1.48 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Response to BNG and Tree Comments Redacted349.31 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Community Involvement Statement609.5 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Ecological Impact Assessment Redacted4.86 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Ground Investigation Factual Report7.56 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Habitat Distribution Plan ECOP1.91 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Historic Environment Assessment3.63 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment3.9 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Part 23.33 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Landscape Strategy Plan2.67 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Landscape Strategy with Tree Survey Overlay2.02 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Noise Impact Assessment3.66 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Planting Plan2.64 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Proposed External Lighting Plan 548.51 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Noise Impact Assessment for Air Source Heat Pumps1.36 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Site Impressions Comparison Sheet 1701.1 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Site Impressions Comparison Sheet 26.81 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Slope Investigation Report Redacted3.67 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Transport Statement9.3 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Transport Statement Addendum (Initial Issue)473.51 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Preliminary Highway Visibility for EV Parking on Telegraph Road340.3 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Swept Path Analysis (Car)308.59 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Swept Path Analysis (Refuse Truck & Fire Vehicles)270.15 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Topographic Survey393.26 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Tree Appraisal Report167.94 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Tree Appraisal Plan 1696.68 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Ventilation Statement187.72 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Subsurface Asset Mapping857.61 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Proposed Drainage Layout 21185-200P2 SUPERSEDED680.12 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Proposed Drainage Layout 21185-200P3 AMENDED681.28 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Utilities Assessment106.11 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Consideration of Further SUDS669.21 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Flood Risk Assessment Rev A4.39 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Infodrainage Rev C SUPERSEDED662.87 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Infodrainage Rev C AMENDED662.88 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Response to Drainage Consultation Comments_Redacted1.22 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Response to Drainage Consultation Comments 2_Redacted1.41 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Surface Water Drainage Plan99.13 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Clothes Drying Area Plan522.74 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Cycle Store Details859.44 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Refuse Store Details699.78 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Refuse Stores Plan1.2 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Bin Store, ASHP & Water Butt Location Perspectives3.44 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A V1 and B Lower Ground Floor Plans 21024 HT ABC_011.44 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A V2 Lower Ground Floor Plans 21024 HT ABC_023.62 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A, B and C Internal Site North Elevation 21024 HT ABC_104.88 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A, B and C Parking Lot Elevations 21024 HT ABC_114.92 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A, B and C Telegraph Road and Internal Site Elevations 21024 HT ABC_085.44 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A, B and C Telegraph Road and Interal Site Elevations 21024 HT ABC_131.4 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A, B and C Telegraph Road North Elevation 21024 HT ABC_095.04 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type A, B and C Telegraph Road North Elevation 21024 HT ABC_121.42 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type C V1 and 2 First Floor Plans 21024 HT ABC_054.75 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type C V1 and 2 Roof Plans 21024 HT ABC_074.63 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type C V1 and 2 Upper Ground Floor Plans 21024 HT ABC_034.76 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type C V3 First Floor and Roof Plan 21024 HT ABC_064.64 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type C V3 Upper Ground Floor Plan 21024 HT ABC_043.81 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type D Split Level Floor Plans 21024_HT_D_013.99 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type D Split Level House Elevations 21024_HT_D_021.51 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type E Elevations (Flats) 21024_HT_E_024.58 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type E Floor Plans (Flats) 21024_HT_E_014.32 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type F Elevations (Flats) 21024_HT_F_025.01 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Type F Floor Plans (Flats) 21024_HT_F_014.74 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Section A-A and B-B (21024_SS1_A-B)1.98 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Section A-A and B-B (21024_SS1_A-B) AMENDED2.89 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Section C-C and D-D (21024_SS2_C-D)1.26 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Section C-C and D-D (21024_SS2_C-D) AMENDED1.25 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Sections E-E and F-F (21024_SS3_E-F)1.31 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Sections E-E and F-F (21024_SS3_E-F) AMENDED1.42 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Building Storey Heights 21024_BSH_01658.77 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Building Typologies Plan 21024_BT_01362.06 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 External Works 21024_EW0121.13 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Fire Appliance Access Plan 21024_FAAP515.02 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 First Floor and Roof Level Plans 21024_SP_051.41 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 First Floor Level Plans 21024_SP_041.51 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Green Infrastructure Plan 21024_GI_01641.39 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Housing Typology Plan 21024_HTP_01970.11 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Lower Ground Level Plans 21024_SP_021.87 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Material Plan - First Floor and Roof Level 21024_MP_04453.32 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Material Plan - Ground and First Floor 21024_MP_05792.17 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Material Plan - Ground Floor and First Floor 21024_MP_03555.42 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Material Plan - Lower Ground Floor 21024_MP_01776.67 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Material Plan - Upper Ground Floor 21024_MP_02599.48 KB
PDF icon P-24-028 Upper Ground Level Plans 21024_SP_031.55 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Reconsultation Water and Drainage Comments regarding Condition Redacted8.22 MB
PDF icon P-24-028 Re-consultation Highways & Waste Comments700.13 KB